ActiveSAT360 is an extension of my original ActiveSAT project. The purpose of this extension was to create an immersive and interactive visual display for a Space Visualization Exhibition.

ActiveSAT360 projected onto the exterior walls of the Black Box Theater (Boulder, CO)
Using my original ActiveSAT code, myself and a team of two others set out to modify the code to run on four separate HTML pages which we would then link together using NodeJS to pass data seamlessly between the web pages. We would then project each web page with a separate projector onto one of the four walls of the theater.

When visitors entered the exhibit, they were able to scan a QR code which would take them to our mobile site where they would be able to interact with the installation. Users would first make a nickname which would then be randomly assigned information about one of the 1,498 satellites visualized. Visitors could then "ping" their satellite which would flash the satellite they had been assigned on the walls of the screen. Using Google Analytics, we were able to track the interactions of our users with the installation. The data provided us with lots of knowledge and invaluable data about efficiency and user interaction.

We were successful in operating the display for the entirety of the event without any issues, even supporting over twenty users interacting with the live display at once. Visitors were enamored by the moving, all encompassing work that they were surrounded by immediately upon entering the space. Our project is also featured by the ATLAS Institute on their web-page here
The Team (Left to Right) Kristof Klipfel, Aidan Rafferty, Carolyn Castanon